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This job has been closed. You will find bellow the job description as a reminder. It is not possible to apply anymore.

Location: Shenzhen
Salary: 420000-840000CNY
Industry: Consumer goods
Function: IT/Digital/R&D

Company Overview


Job Description

2.精通JavaScript、Jquery、ES6+规范、XML、Json, Npm、Yarn、Git;
6.有React Hooks实战经验优先;

Web Engineer
Core Skills:
1. Mastering HTML5, CSS3, DOM, W3C standards
2. Mastering JavaScript, Jquery, ES6+ syntax regulations, XML, Json, Npm, Yarn, and Git
3. Familiar with React and multiple js frameworks
4. Familiar with one or more front-end mainstreaming UI libraries like Bootstrap, Antdesign, etc.
5. Knowing about front-end automated tools and familiar with tools like Gulp, webpack, etc.
6. Having work experience on React Hooks is preferred

Experienced at web development in supporting multiple browsers and devices; 有跨浏览器及多屏幕尺寸适配经验
Solid experience of object-oriented design and modern programming techniques 扎实的OOP及现代编程基础
Hands on experience with micro-frontends is a plus 有微前端相关经验