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This job has been closed. You will find bellow the job description as a reminder. It is not possible to apply anymore.

Location: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang
Salary: 300000-450000CNY
Industry: Others
Function: Engineering

Company Overview

The company is a foreign-owned enterprise and the leading, global styrenics supplier with a focus on styrene monomer, polystyrene, ABS Standard and styrenic specialties.

Job Description

 维修团队内部
 与生产团队,如生产经理、生产日主管和班长一起组织、安排和调整日常维护工作的优先次序
 与技术工程团队合作,实施MOC、Capex项目、检查活动和任何装置的改进。
 与采购部门合作,负责维修备件的间接支出和订单处理。
 与SHE团队合作,确保安全的维护工作。

 设备的第三方供应商
 第三方承包商负责维护活动的准备、讨论和跟踪。

SHE 25%:
- 参加现场的定期安全培训: