There may be hundreds of urges and reasons to resign, however, people still agonize about how to have that final conversation with their own employers. You may think resignation should be easy as long as the decision has been made within yourself, but you simply can’t deny the importance of respecting social norms on resignation. Following the resignation logistics wouldn’t cause any harm, rather, it may render a decent and graceful image of yours.
Our stance on resignation is fairly clear: we don’t endorse abrupt and disrespectful conducts of resignation; we sincerely suggest you go through the whole process that may involve different stakeholders. Here are four principles that would guide you through the last mile of your current career chapter.
Principle 1: Announce your big news first with your line manager and stay communicative during the conversation
No matter how much you enjoy or dislike your current job, when it is time for you to move on, you should announce your personal breaking news with your line manager first. By announcing your news, we mean that you need to talk to your boss, preferably face-to-face, or at least voice-to-voice. Talking to him or her shows your respect and sincerity, which everybody on earth would appreciate. Don’t drop a resignation message or email to your line manager, though it may seem “professional enough”: when it comes to communication, different means under different contexts trigger different implicit meanings. Your boss would definitely prefer to hear what you have decided and how you have come up with the big decision, so why don’t spend an hour or so having an engaging conversation? Remember that you matter for your boss and the team you belong, and since you are still part of it, you should shoulder some responsibilities for it, even though you are about to leave. If you still care about the area or business pillar you are devoted to, it is also a good opportunity for you to completely open up to your line manager. What seemed to be difficult to say may be communicated smoothly in this conversation. Your line manager would also find a different angle and appreciate your contributions. Ideally, a resignation conversation may become reflective and meaningful.
Principle 2: Write a well-composed resignation letter to share the news across teams in your company
After talking with your line manager and notifying the human resource team, you should consider what to write in your resignation email. Some may think what is written in such an email doesn’t matter that much, because colleagues wouldn’t be bothered to read it. We think this isn’t the case - of course others are curious to hear what you say about your leaving and especially how you review what you have done for the team and the company. To a great extent, you write the resignation letter for your own good. It is indeed a formality, but it goes beyond that because it may be a chance for others to remember you thanks to your achievements. Demonstrate your sincerity, gratitude, and a sensible recap of what you have accomplished on your post, and leave your contact details. The world of professionals and talent is built upon mutual recognitions instead of personal emotions and intuitions. Grasping the last chance to get connected with professionals of any function or background in your current company is undoubtedly useful for your future career.
Principle 3: Finish the exit interview with the HR team tactically
Most companies nowadays would arrange conversations between former-employees-to-be and HR managers. It is an occasion to discuss the more detailed logistics, for instance, how many days should be spared for finishing the transition procedures, and dig out true reasons for resignation. The digging part annoys quite a proportion of resigning employees, simply because the purpose and outcome of such communication is hard to comprehend. Some may be 100% honest with HR managers, as they see it as a chance to finally drop the truths and reveal what’s hidden below the surface, whereas some may prefer to protect themselves from unnecessary troubles by bluffing it out…Both styles are understandable, as people have different experiences and there is no set guideline to have such a conversation. However, remember to focus on your own objective, make your judgment based on what you have experienced and observed, and talk to the HR manager tactically. Don’t be completely honest without your own ground and don’t be easily swayed by anything irrelevant to your own professional growth and development.
Principle 4: Think carefully when they offer you a counteroffer
In fact, counteroffer happens all the time: when you bring up your resignation and talk that talk with your managers, they offer a pay raise to persuade you to stay. Think carefully if you feel tempted by the counteroffer, and review what made you determined to seek for opportunities and walk out of the current office. Money wouldn’t be the only reason, as most talents get disappointed by many factors apart from salaries and perks. Imagine if it would be the same after you accept the counteroffer, and how your managers would perceive you afterwards? Would there be a transformative improvement for your work? Would you get what used to be missing in the workplace? If your answers to these questions are no, rejecting the counteroffer and moving onto your next career opportunity will be the right choice.
Resignation can be complex given different ways that companies operate. The four principles above shall assist you or at least offer you some perspectives to handle resignation properly and gracefully.
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