
This job has been closed. You will find bellow the job description as a reminder. It is not possible to apply anymore.

地区: 上海
薪资: 260000-325000CNY


Main Responsibilities
1. Implements strategic sourcing business plans and tactics to effectively manage the sourcing activities
2.Evaluates current and prospective suppliers through supplier reviews, site visits and audits
3.Participate on operations planning team with responsibility for inputs relating to purchased material, changes in delivery or availability of material
4. Monitor open purchase orders for on time delivery and timely closing of items
5. Coordinate the phase-in of new products and phase-out of mature products. Support research and development from concept through commercialization
6. Ensure compliance to quality system requirements for areas of responsibility
7. Participate in systems upgrades, enhancements, and implementations
8. Works closely with Sourcing Manager or Sourcing Leader