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地区: 上海
薪资: 260000-390000CNY
职能: 市场




1. 评估公司现有产品线的情况,针对行业应用方案的需求,提出产品线建设规划。Evaluate existing
product portfolio, develop application/solutions in focus industries, bring up portfolio development
plan and execute accordingly.
2. 新产品导入市场的工作,例如产品的资料,市场推广方案,价格的制定,和销售共同推动重点客户的产
品推介工作。New product introduction work, include product information and literatures, promotion
plan, pricing approach, and work together with sales team to penetrate into key accounts.
3. 评估自有品牌产品的开发,和内部其他同事以及工厂沟通产品开发的需求和进展以及落实推广工作。
Evaluation to existing private labels, align with internal resource and factory resource to develop
products and launch promotion work.
4. 开发和谈判以及签署代理权,获得关键供应商的支持,建立战略合作关系。推动业务开拓并定期和内部
团队以及外部供应商开展业务回顾,跟进行动项。Approach suppliers with leading products, negotiate
for franchise, and set up strategic cooperation with them. Drive demand creation and organize
business review with both internal and external teams.
5. 和市场主流品牌以及行业内有影响的分销商建立合作关系,满足应用方案以及客户的多样化的产品需
求。Work with branded suppliers and distributors, to meet solution needs and diversified product
demand by customers.
6. 参与设计和推动重点客户端的耗材及仪器服务方案,如驻场服务以便让客户能得到快速及时的专业服
务。Participate and drive ‘consumables service solution’ in key accounts, like on-site service to
provide Fast and Professional service include POU management.
7. 参与市场计划的制定,市场活动的策划,指导市场工作以便支持公司业务战略。Contribute to Marcom
plan, guide marketing activities to support company’s strategy.
8. 协助部门主管做好其它安排的工作,帮助团队的成功。Help and Assist to other tasks assigned by
manager, contribute to team success.
Minimum Requirements/Qualifications:
1. 至少 10 年的工作经验,能独立高效地处理科研及生产类耗材以及研发仪器设备类产品的工作。More
than 10-year work experience for Consumables in R&D and Production Phase.
2. 对法规有基础性的了解,如 GMP/GLP/GEP;以及大概的理解这些机构的指导性原则,如 FDA,
CFDA/NMPA, ICH, WHO 等。Basic understanding to GxP requirements like GMP/GLP/GEP, and
general understanding to regulations from FDA, CFDA/NMPA, ICH, WHO, etc.
3. 曾有过制药行业的质量控制、或研发类、或生物制药工艺类工作背景,再加上几年仪器和耗材的产品管
理经验,将是最佳人选。Work experience, prefer with Quality Control/Quality Assurance or Drug
research work or Bio-Pharma Process Engineer background, plus few years as instrument and
consumables product manager.
4. 能有较好的英语使用能力,如应对电子邮件,商务谈判和业务回顾等。Good English skills to deal with
emails and business communication, especially for business reviews.
5. 大学或研究生学历,主修理工科类专业,如有生物、制药工程类学习背景尤佳。Major in Pharmacy
Engineering, Bioscience as a plus.

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